- Terms of UseThese Terms of Use (hereinafter Terms) of the website www.your-life-studio.com (hereinafter Portal) are binding upon all registered and non-registered users of the Portal.
- The Portal is supported and administrated by Ltd. “YOUR LIFE STUDIO”, Reg. No. 40103532189 (hereinafter Your-life-studio.com).
- The Portal is a social network for different activities meant for a wide range of society.
- Before using the Portal user must read the Terms carefully and must follow them. Your-life-studio.com reserves the rights to amend and supplement the Terms at any time. Such amendments enter into force when published in the Portal.
- Each user is considered to have accepted the Terms by using and accessing the Portal. Each user of the Portal must read over the Terms on a regular basis in order to be informed about any modifications in due time. If a person does not agree to the Terms it is prohibited to use the Portal.
- Registered users are eligible to use the options and services of the Portal, including paid services (according to provisions of the Distance Agreement) for actual price in that respective moment. Your-life-studio.com reserves the rights to change prices and/or to establish new paid services at any time.
- In order to become a registered user of the Portal a person must follow the registration procedure.
- The users of the Portal provide their real first name, family name and other information. Each Portal user is allowed to create only one personal profile. One profile should not contain several persons. The registered user has to be recognizable in the photo submitted in user’s profile and his face must be clearly visible. The profile of each user may contain only the data of the respective registered user. It is prohibited to create so-called “false” profiles in the Portal, i.e. the creation of profiles in which the user of the Portal includes data of other (including unreal) people or animals, subjects etc.
- Each registered user of the Portal is obliged not to reveal his/her portal access data to other people. If activities (including purchase of goods and/or services) are made through registered user’s profile using the correct login and password, it is considered that such activities in the respective profile are made by the respective registered user.
- A registered user of the Portal may at any moment terminate his/her participation in the Portal in the status of a registered user by sending a request for deleting his/her Portal profile to the administrator E-mail: sodien@your-life-studio.com. The profile will be deleted within 24 hours.
- Activities of commercial nature are allowed in the Portal only upon the written consent of Your-life-studio.com.
- The Portal administration is entitled at its own discretion including without prior notice to delete/block registered users’ profiles and/or information, video, pictures, audio materials etc. as well as limit or deny access to the Portal pro tempore, without explaining the reason.
- Each user of the Portal is fully responsible for any information submitted by him/her to the portal or sent to other portal users. This includes, but is not limited to, his/her own profile data, photos, e-mail messages, video materials and music records. It also includes taking full responsibility for the consequences caused by submitting or sending such information.
- It is prohibited to submit or send to other users of the Portal information (including photo, video and audio materials):
- 13.1. the publishing or sending of which may violate or infringe upon the intellectual property rights (copyrights, etc.) of third parties;13.2. which infringes upon a person’s pride and dignity;13.3. encouraging violence, race-hatred or performance of other illegal activities;13.4. which is vulgar, libellous or otherwise abusive;13.5. which contains computer viruses or is designed to be detrimental to the functionality (safety) of any computer or electronic communications software;13.6. having the nature of junk mail, spam, chain letters or uncoordinated advertisement;13.7. of a pornographic or excessively erotic nature;13.8. of any other type that influences or might influence normal operations and the safety of the Portal.14. Your-life-studio.com bears no responsibility for the information submitted to the Portal or mutually sent by users and for consequences arising from submitting or sending of such information. Besides Your-life-studio.com bears no responsibility for the portal accessibility, mutual communication of portal users, any problems of a technical nature in the operation of the portal, portal users’ profile data changes resulting from authorised or unauthorised access by another person. All the activities of the portal (including the available services) are provided as is and Your-life-studio.com disclaims any and all warranties. Moreover Your-life-studio.com is in no event liable for damage of any kind incurred by users of the Portal as a result of the use of the portal and services available therein.15. Users of the Portal are obliged to do their best to hold Your-life-studio.com harmless and indemnify against all third party claims or complaints brought against Your-life-studio.com and in any way related to the use of the portal by respective users.16. If a user of the Portal is prohibited from or has limited access to the Portal or to his/her profile due to deletion, then such a user will not be compensated for any payments made for any paid services available at the Portal (e.g., chat with a fortune-teller, psychic, astrologer, healer; gifts, purchase of goods etc).17. A user of the Portal agrees to receive information from Your-life-studio.com on different activities related to the Portal.18. All the intellectual property rights in respect of the Portal are reserved solely by Your-life-studio.com. In the event of violation of those rights the guilty person is legally culpable as well as fully responsible for all the damage incurred to Your-life-studio.com and to third parties.19. All disputes arising between Your-life-studio.com and users of the Portal are settled by mutual negotiations. If a solution cannot be reached they have to be settled in the Court of the Republic of Latvia pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.Privacy Statement1. All the users’ personal data submitted to the Portal are protected pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Latvia. 2. By registering in and/or accessing the Portal a user agrees that Your-life-studio.com performs processing of data pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.3. Processor of users’ personal data is Ltd. “MegaSoft”, legal address: Puces 11/2-10, Riga, LV-1082, Latvia, Reg. No. 40103222050.4. Aim of processing the users’ personal data – ensuring the communication services.5. The processing of users’ personal data is based on Article 7, paragraph 1 and Article 13, paragraph 2 of the Personal Data Protection Law.6. Each registered user of the Portal is informed and agrees that the data specified in his/her user profile are publicly available to all other registered users of the Portal and in limited extend to third parties (upon observing the possibility specified by registered user in the user’s profile to choose restrictions on access to certain data), and that the use of those public data is not dependant on Your-life-studio.com.7. Registered users are eligible to choose the level of privacy of their profile and to modify it in the Portal. Registered users are eligible to add, amend or delete data included in their profile or to delete the entire profile. 8. By registering in and/or accessing the Portal a user assures that he/she is informed and agrees that Your-life-studio.com is eligible to convey personal data of the respective user:8.1. to third parties upon receiving a respective agreement from the user;8.2. to law enforcement authorities if Your-life-studio.com receives a request submitted pursuant to the legislation of the Republic of Latvia;8.3. to law enforcement authorities if Your-life-studio.com comes to conclusion that the respective user breaks the Terms and/or the legislation of the Republic of Latvia and as a result interests of Your-life-studio.com, other users of the Portal or third parties can be affected. 9. Your-life-studio.com collaborates with the following personal data operator: Ltd. “MegaSoft” Legal address: Pūces 11/2-10 Rīga, LV-1082, Latvia. Reg. No.: 40103222050 Rules for the ShopProcedure of online shopping is regulated by the Cabinet Regulation No.207 (adopted 28 May 2002) “Regulations regarding Distance Contracts”. Consumer may exercise the right of withdrawal and unilaterally withdraw from the contract within a time period of 14 calendar days and return the goods to the trader if they do not conform to the goods which were ordered by the consumer. In such case the amount of money received is returned to the consumer. The goods must be returned in the full assemblage as delivered by the trader, including all the component parts and original packaging of the goods, otherwise the return of the goods shall be denied. By commencing to use the goods the consumer approves that they conform to what was ordered and they cannot be returned anymore. Please contact us to arrange for return of goods, E-mail: sodien@your-life-studio.com, phone: +37128474583, indicating the number and date of your order.Descriptions and pictures of the goods have a mere informative character; there can be modifications in parameters or assemblage provided by manufacturers. Prices are set in LVL, VAT 22% is included. Goods delivery by post Delivering goods by post in Riga costs 2 LVL. In case the value of goods exceeds 100 LVL delivery is free of charge in Riga. Goods delivery to the designated address is included in the delivery cost. There is NO DELIVERY CHARGE if you collect the goods at our office – Stabu Str. 51, Riga. Date of deliveryGoods delivery depends on availability of goods in warehouse. If the respective article is available in the warehouse it is delivered within 1 to 3 days. If it’s not available we will inform our consumers via e-mail about the date of delivery. WarrantyThe goods in online shop www.your-life-studio.com are subject to warranty of 12 months taking into consideration all the consumer rights provided by the Consumer Rights Protection Law.Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions. E-mail: sodien@your-life-studio.com
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